This workflow performs a meta analysis of association results using the METAL software
This workflow is produced and maintained by the Manning Lab. Contributing authors include:
- Tim Majarian ([email protected])
- Alisa Manning ([email protected]).
- Bioconductor - by Roby Joehanes ([email protected])
This function generates the metal input script, processes each input results file, and runs the meta analysis
- assoc_files : an array of association results files, like those generated in the single variant association pipeline, must have a column labeled "MAF" (Array[File], .csv or .tsv)
- marker_column : column name in assoc_files with variant identifiers (string, default = snpID)
- sample_column : column name in assoc_files for weighting of variants (string, default = n)
- allele_effect_column : column name in assoc_files with effect allele (string, default = alt)
- allele_non_effect_column : column name in assoc_files with non effect allele (string, default = ref)
- pval_column : column in assoc_files with variant p-value (string, default = Score.pval)
- effect_column : column in assoc_files with variant effect (string, default = Score.Stat)
- out_pref : prefix for output filename (string)
- separator : character that separates each input result file (string, default = COMMA [WHITESPACE, TAB])
- analyze_arg : optional argument for other types of analyses (string, default = ZSCORE)
- result_file : results per variant for all variants tested (.TBL)
- metal_script : script that was generated as input to METAL (script.txt)
- log_file : log file capturing standard error of running METAL (.log)
- info_file : description of results_file columns, input files
This function generates the metal input script, processes each input results file, and runs the meta analysis
- marker_column : column name in assoc_files with variant identifiers (string, default = snpID)
- pval_column : column in assoc_files with variant p-value (string, default = Score.pval)
- sample_column : column in assoc_files with number of samples (string, default = n)
- out_pref : prefix for output filename (string)
- metal_file : output of runMetal task (File)
- assoc_files : an array of association results files, like those generated in the
- csv : a comma separated file of results including METAL results and "cols_tokeep" from each input results file (.csv)
- plots : quantile-quantile and manhattan plots subset by MAF (all, <5%, >=5%) for meta-analysis p-values (.png)
- this_memory : amount of memory in GB for each execution of a task (int)
- this_disk : amount of disk space in GB to allot for each execution of a task (int)