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Contributing: Adding Changes on a new Branch

Thomas Vandal edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 1 revision

The master branch is locked so no changes can be pushed to it directly. The two options below are available to edit the repository.

Pushing Changes from Command Line

  1. Make sure current branch (master) is up to date (>> git pull origin master)
  2. Make a new branch (>> git checkout -b my_new_branch)
  3. Edit a file(s) (may need to add them via >> git add my_filename)
  4. Commit change (>> git commit -m "this is why I did this commit")
  5. Push to your branch (>> git push origin my_new_branch)
  6. When ready to "submit" changes to the master you can create a pull request (in GitHub) and someone else can accept it

Editing Directly on GitHub

  1. Edit a file
  2. Commit change to new branch (click Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request. Learn more about pull requests.)
  3. Click "propose changes"