This tool has now been integrated into the scenery_builder. As a result, this repository has been archived and is unmaintained.
This tool is a companion tool for the FloorPlan DSL, which enables the modelling of objects and their placement in the indoor environments from the FloorPlan DSL.
- Model objects with movement constraits: the tool enables the specification of objects with revolute, prismatic, or fixed joints.
- Place objects in indoor environments: by using the composable modelling approach the FloorPlan models can become scenes filled with objects with ease.
- Model object states: the tool allows for finate state machines for objects with motion constraints to be modelled, as well as selecting the intial state of each object in the scene.
- Gazebo world generation and plugin: the tool generates SDF format world files for gazebo, while a companion plugin sets up the scene as determined by the initial state. The plugin is available here
Install the requirements, then you may run the example:
python3 <input folder>
Tested on Python 3.8.10
Tutorials on how to model objects with movement constraints, and how to place them in floor plan models is available here.
This work is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme SESAME under grant agreement No 101017258.