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OpenISS keras-yolo3


This repo is a clone from qqwweee/keras-yolo3 hosted on GitHub, with modification to adjust to person re-identification model only (from YOLOv3 object detection model). The prediction code is obtained from this repo and adapted to current implementation. The result figure is generated by using the code ported from this repo.


A Keras implementation of YOLOv3 (Tensorflow backend) inspired by allanzelener/YAD2K.

This is a part of the Eric Lai's ML portion of the OpenISS project for his master's thesis:


Images and videos can be from any source, but we provided you with a video and images sample in folders video and image. This demo will run in an interactive way for both image and video.

  1. For image you provide the server with image path/name and return the classes of images.
  2. For video you will provide video path/name in the script argument and get a live video that dispaly object in each frame and finally the code will generate a new classified video stored in your video folder.

Speed Login Configuration

  1. As interactive login is requred in this project that show you live video you need to enable ssh login with -X support. Please check this link to do that.
  2. If you didn't know how to login to speed and prepare working environment please check the manual in the follwing link section 2.

After you loged in change your working directory to /speed-scratch/$USER diectory.

cd /speed-scratch/$USER/

Development Environment Preperation.

The pre-requisites to prepare the virtual development environment using anaconda is located in environment.yml. You can check speed manual section 3 for more inforamtion.

  1. Make sure you are in speed-scratch directory. Then Download Yolo project from Github website to your speed-scratch proper diectory.
cd /speed-scratch/$USER/
git clone
  1. Starting by loading anaconda module
module load anaconda/default
  1. First switch to the project directoy. Create anaconda virtual environment, and configure development librires. The name of the environment can by any name here as an example named YOLOInteractive. Activate the conda environment YOLOInteractive.
cd /speed-scratch/$USER/SpeedYolo
conda create -p /speed-scratch/$USER/YOLOInteractive
conda activate /speed-scratch/$USER/YOLOInteractive
  1. Install all required librires you need to upgrade pip and install opencv-contrib-python library
conda install python=3.5
conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.10.0
conda install Keras=2.1.5
conda install Pillow
conda install matplotlib
conda install -c menpo opencv
pip install --upgrade pip 
pip install opencv-contrib-python

  1. Validate conda environemnt and installed packeges using following commands. Make sure the version of python and keras are same as requred.
conda info --env
conda list

if you need to delete the created virtual environment

conda deactivate
conda env remove -p /speed-scratch/$USER/YOLOInteractive

Quick Start

  1. Make sure you are inside the project directoy
 cd /speed-scratch/$USER/SpeedYolo/
  1. Download YOLOv3 weights from YOLO website.
  1. Convert the Darknet YOLO model to a Keras model.
python yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights model_data/yolo.h5
  1. Run YOLO detection, using exsiting samples.
python [OPTIONS...] --image, for image detection mode, OR
python [video_path] [output_path (optional)]

For image run follwing command and the program will ask you about the image path and name:

python --model model_data/yolo.h5 --classes model_data/coco_classes.txt --image 

For video

python --input video/v1.avi --output video/001.avi

Run Script

File is the speed script to run video example to run it you follow these steps:

  1. Since this job is an interactive job we need to keep ssh -X option enabled and xming server in your windows working.
  2. The qsub is not the proper command since we have to keep direct ssh connection to the computational node, so qlogin will be used.
  3. Enter qlogin in the speed-submit. The qlogin will find an approriate computational node then it will allow you to have direct `ssh -X' login to that node. Make sure you are in the right directory and activate conda environment again.
cd /speed-scratch/$USER/SpeedYolo
conda activate /speed-scratch/$USER/YOLOInteractive
  1. Before you run the script you need to add permission access to the project files, then start run the script ./
chmod +rwx *
  1. A pop up window will show a classifed live video.

Please note that since we have limited number of node with GPU support qlogin is not allowed to direct you to login to these server you will be directed to the availabel computation nodes in the cluster with CPU support only.

For Tiny YOLOv3, just do in a similar way, just specify model path and anchor path with --model model_file and --anchors anchor_file.

performance comparison

Time is in minutes, run Yolo with different hardware configurations GPU types V100 and Tesla P6. Please note that there is an issue to run Yolo project on more than one GPU in case of teasla P6. The project use keras.utils library calling multi_gpu_model() function, which cause hardware faluts and force to restart the server. GPU name for V100 (gpu32), for P6 (gpu) you can find that in scripts shell.

1GPU-P6 1GPU-V100 2GPU-V100 32CPU
22.45 17.15 23.33 60.42
22.15 17.54 23.08 60.18
22.18 17.18 23.13 60.47


Use --help to see usage of

usage: [-h] [--model MODEL] [--anchors ANCHORS]
                     [--classes CLASSES] [--gpu_num GPU_NUM] [--image]
                     [--input] [--output]

positional arguments:
  --input        Video input path
  --output       Video output path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL      path to model weight file, default model_data/yolo.h5
  --anchors ANCHORS  path to anchor definitions, default
  --classes CLASSES  path to class definitions, default
  --gpu_num GPU_NUM  Number of GPU to use, default 1
  --image            Image detection mode, will ignore all positional arguments

  1. MultiGPU usage: use --gpu_num N to use N GPUs. It is passed to the Keras multi_gpu_model().

Run script on speed


  1. Generate your own annotation file and class names file. One row for one image; Row format: image_file_path box1 box2 ... boxN; Box format: x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max,class_id (no space). For VOC dataset, try python Here is an example:

    path/to/img1.jpg 50,100,150,200,0 30,50,200,120,3
    path/to/img2.jpg 120,300,250,600,2
  2. Make sure you have run python -w yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights model_data/yolo_weights.h5 The file model_data/yolo_weights.h5 is used to load pretrained weights.

  3. Modify and start training. python Use your trained weights or checkpoint weights with command line option --model model_file when using Remember to modify class path or anchor path, with --classes class_file and --anchors anchor_file.

If you want to use original pretrained weights for YOLOv3: 1. wget 2. rename it as darknet53.weights 3. python -w darknet53.cfg darknet53.weights model_data/darknet53_weights.h5 4. use model_data/darknet53_weights.h5 in

Some issues to know

  1. The test environment is

    • Python 3.5.2
    • Keras 2.1.5
    • tensorflowgpu 1.10.0
  2. Default anchors are used. If you use your own anchors, probably some changes are needed.

  3. The inference result is not totally the same as Darknet but the difference is small.

  4. The speed is slower than Darknet. Replacing PIL with opencv may help a little.

  5. Always load pretrained weights and freeze layers in the first stage of training. Or try Darknet training. It's OK if there is a mismatch warning.

  6. The training strategy is for reference only. Adjust it according to your dataset and your goal. And add further strategy if needed.

  7. For speeding up the training process with frozen layers can be used. It will compute the bottleneck features of the frozen model first and then only trains the last layers. This makes training on CPU possible in a reasonable time. See this for more information on bottleneck features.


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