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0xC0ba1t edited this page Sep 12, 2023 · 4 revisions

Specifications Draft 0.0.2;


Clock Speed: 1mhz - 5mhz ISA word size: 32 Registers: 16 general-purpose (R0-R15) [includes Stack Pointer and Program Counter]

Specifications Draft 0.0.1; 12|05|23|

The processor will be designed to be clocked at a 75mhz frequency, it will house a video processing circuit and possibly later on an audio processing circuit.

The ISA is a 32-bit instruction set architecture (ISA) that is designed for use in embedded systems. It has a simple and efficient instruction set that is easy to learn and use. The ISA supports a wide range of operations, including arithmetic, logic, control flow, input/output, and video processing.

The ISA has 16 general-purpose registers (R0-R15) that can be used to store data and values. It also has a program counter (PC) that points to the next instruction to be executed. The ISA has a stack pointer (SP) that is used to store the location of the top of the stack.

The ISA has a variety of instructions that can be used to manipulate data. These instructions include arithmetic instructions (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV), logic instructions (AND, OR, XOR), and shift instructions (SHL, SHR).

The ISA also has a variety of instructions that can be used to control the flow of execution. These instructions include conditional jumps (JEQ, JNE, JGT, JLT), unconditional jumps (JMP), and calls (CALL).

The ISA has a variety of instructions that can be used to input and output data. These instructions include input instructions (IN) and output instructions (OUT).

The ISA has a variety of instructions that can be used to process video data. These instructions include load video instructions (LOADVID), draw instructions (DRAW), and sync instructions (SYNC).

The ISA is a powerful and versatile ISA that can be used to implement a wide range of embedded systems. It is easy to learn and use, and it has a wide range of features that make it well-suited for use in embedded systems.

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