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Main Window

Sam Gillingham edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

Main Window

The main window contains the imagery, plus menus and toolbars.

Although multiple images can be stacked on top of each other, TuiView was designed to have multiple geo-linked windows.


These are shortcuts to commonly used items found in the menus. From left to right:

File Menu

Add Raster

Displays a file open dialog to allow the user to browse to an image. All formats supported by GDAL are allowed. Multiple files can be selected at once. Starts in the directory of the top most raster layer, if there is one.

it is highly recommended that any imagery loaded has pyramid layers and statistics calculated for better performance. One way to do this is to use the utility from RIOS.

Some zip files can also be opened directly now.

Add Vector

This has 3 submenus: The first for vectors that are files (for example shapefiles), the second one for vectors that are directories (for example ArcInfo covereages) and third for vectors via a database connection.

The first two options display a file open dialog to allow the user to browse to a vector layer. All formats supported by OGR are allowed. Starts in the directory of the top most vector layer, if there is one.

The last option (the database connection) presents an input dialog for entering the OGR connection string. Check the OGR documentation for the database type for more information. Note that the outermost quotes seen in the OGR documentation aren't required.

Since 1.0.4 a dialog box always comes up once a file/directory/database is selected asking which layer to use, or whether to execute an SQL query on the data source. Most users will select the layer they want, but more advanced users will want to enter their own SQL here which may involve joining multiple layers. Check the documentation for OGR's OGRDataSource.ExecuteSQL method for more information.

Remove layer

Removes the top most layer

Arrange Layers

Displays the Layer Window.

New Window

Opens a new geo-linked TuiView window

Query only displayed layers

Toggles the behaviour of just querying layers which are displayed (ticked in the arrange layers window) or all loaded files (the default).

Tile Windows

For tiling geo-linked windows over the screen area available. Presents a dialog asking what the preferred configuration of windows is. If 'auto', this will be determined from the number of Viewers available. Note that the number can be set in one dimension and 'auto' in the other and the appropriate thing will happen.

Default Stretch

Brings up the Default Stretch window so rules can be specified for choosing the stretch to use for a new particular image.

Save current display

Saves the contents of the viewer as a graphics file (.png, .jpg etc). Will also save a world file so the location can be found later.

Save state of All Viewers

Saves the location and contents of all the open viewers so they can be restored later. You will be prompted for the name of a .tuiview file to save the information into.

Load state of Viewers

Given the name of a .tuiview file the location and contents of all viewers will be restored. Existing viewers will stay open. Currently sub windows (query window etc) are not re-opened automatically.


Closes Viewer.

Edit Menu


Opens a Stretch Window that operates on the top most raster image.


Opens the Preferences Window.

View Menu


Enables the Pan tool. This allows you to pan by 'dragging' the image. Note: Ctrl+ arrow keys also pans one whole screen in each direction.

Zoom In

Enables the Zoom In tool. You can drag a rectangle to describe the area you wish to zoom in on. Or you can double click where you want the image centred and TuiView will zoom in to half the area on that point.

Zoom Out

Enables the Zoom Out tool. You can drag a rectangle to describe how much you want to zoom out by. The smaller the rectangle, the larger the amount it zooms out by. Or you can double clock where you want the image centred and TuiView will zoom out to twice the area on that point.

Note: that you can zoom in and out using the mouse scroll wheel. This behaviour can be changed in the Preferences Window.

Zoom to Native

Zooms to 1 screen pixel = 1 image pixel

Zoom to Full Extent

Zooms to the full extent of all the loaded layers

Follow Extent

Toggles whether this TuiView window is following the extent of the other viewers. For controlling geo-linking - by default all viewers follow the location and extent of each other. By turning this off on a viewer it will just follow the centre of the other viewers, but stay at the same extent. For example this allows you to have one Viewer zoomed out a bit more than all the others to get context on the area you are mapping.

Timeseries Forwards/Backwards

Assumes the stack of rasters you have loaded in this TuiView represents a timeseries. By alternately turning layers on and off this functionality allows you to watch a slide show backwards and forwards in time.

You can also hold the shift key down while rolling the mouse scroll wheel to get the same functionality.

Tools Menu

Query Tool

Enables the Query Tool. This allows you to interrogate the values in the image by clicking the mouse cursor on the image. If there isn't a Query Window already opened, a new one is created and the values displayed in it. The Query Tool is geolinked by default - moving the Query point in one Viewer moves is in all the others. This can be disabled by toggling the 'follow query tool' button on the Query Window.

New Query Window

Starts a new Query Window. Using this and the 'follow query tool' button on the Query Window you can be looking at values in different parts of the image in each Query Window.

Vector Query Tool

Enables the Vector Query Tool. This allows you to interrogate any vector features below your cursor by clicking. If there isn't a Vector Query Window opened a new one is displayed.

New Vector Query Window

Starts a new Vector Query Window. Using this and the 'follow query tool' button on the Vector Query Window you can be looking at values in different parts of the image in each Vector Query Window.


Enables the Profile tool. This allows you to specify a profile across an image by drawing a line with the mouse - left click on each vertex of the line and right click to finish. If the isn't a Profile Window already opened a new one is created and the profile and distance displayed in it. Start a new profile by left clicking again.

New Profile/Ruler Window

Creates a new Profile Window. By toggling the 'follow' button in the Profile Window you can get a window to ignore new profiles and hence view profiles of different parts of the image.


Toggles off and on the top layer in the Viewer.



Shows the About box and most importantly the versions of the various bits of software TuiView relies on.