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Sam Gillingham edited this page Jun 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

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Developing Viewer Plugins

Creating a Plugin File

Your plugin must have the extension .py and be a normally import-able module with these 3 functions:

  • name
  • author
  • description
  • action
name(), author() and description() take no parameters and simply return the name of the plugin, and the author respectively. action() takes 2 parameters: a constant to describe the action that has happened, and an object that is relevant. Here are the constants and objects that will be passed to action():
constant object
pluginmanager.PLUGIN_ACTION_INIT GeolinkedViewers
pluginmanager.PLUGIN_ACTION_NEWVIEWER ViewerWindow
pluginmanager.PLUGIN_ACTION_NEWQUERY QueryDockWidget

Information on the internal classes of TuiView can be found at the Developer's Documentation page.

Installing Plugin File

Viewer searched for plugins in 3 locations upon startup:

  1. a 'plugins' directory under where the 'tuiview' script is running
  2. Any directories listed in the TUIVIEW_PLUGINS_PATH environment variable. Multiple directories can be listed and separated by ':' on Unix or ';' on Windows.
  3. Under ~/.tuiview/plugins where ~ is the user's home directory, or c:\Users\username\ .tuiview\plugins on Windows
Note that these directories are searched in the order listed. Plugins with the same name found later will override those found first.

Adding a Custom Action to Viewer

Here is an example of adding a custom action and a new menu to Viewer via a plugin:

# event handler class - must be derived from QObject
# so Qt's signal and slots system works
class MyEventHandler(QObject):
    def __init__(self, viewer):
        self.viewer = viewer

    # this function gets called when action triggered
    def myEvent(self):
        QMessageBox.information(self.viewer, "Viewer", "My Plugin")

def action(actioncode, viewer):
    # check for the code we are interested in 
    if actioncode == pluginmanager.PLUGIN_ACTION_NEWVIEWER:

        # create a handler class
        handler = MyEventHandler(viewer)
        # create an action class
        myaction = QAction(viewer, triggered=handler.myEvent)
        myaction.setText("My plugin Action")

        # create a new menu and install the action
        mymenu = viewer.menuBar().addMenu("&My Menu")

        # make sure the object isn't garbage collected
        app = QApplication.instance()