UT3 Converter is now longer being developped and maintained. Use UT4X converter instead
Version: 0.26 - Final
- Author: XtremeXp
- Release Date: 03/01/2020
- Status: Discontinued
- Web page: https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/past-unreal-tournament-games/unreal-tournament-3/407842
- Forum : https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/past-unreal-tournament-games/unreal-tournament-3/407842
UT3 Converter 2 hels level designers saving a lot of time while converting/porting UT maps. This tool automates some task for conversion which means conversion of level ressources like textures,staticmeshes and actors.
UT3 Converter 2 supports these conversions:
- Unreal Tournament -> Unreal Tournament 2004
- Unreal Tournament -> Unreal Tournament 3
- Unreal Tournament 2004-> Unreal Tournament 3
You need:
- Two of the following UT games:
- Unreal Tournament
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Unreal Tournament 3
- Java technology installed (see www.java.com)
- Some skills with UnrealEd software
- Decompress the ZIP archive to any folder of your choice.
- Double-click on UT3Converter2.jar.
- If not working install java (https://www.java.com/) or create some "run.bat" file with notepad that you will save in the root program folder with this in it
java -jar ut3converter2.jar
- this will force launching this file associating it as java program
- Textures
- Brushes
- Staticmeshes
- Weapons
- Pickups
- Most of main actors
- Custom scripts
- Special textures (shaders,pantex,...)
- All - Do not work with folders with spaces (e.g.: "C:\Program Files\UnrealTournament")
- UT and DeusEx Games - Will not convert custom textures in external packages (not in myLevel/e.g: ../Textures/myPackage.utx) for
- UT2004->UT3 - Some staticmeshes can't be converted. ("ucc batchexport mypackage.usx StaticMesh t3d" cmd bug)
- Can't convert maps using UTF16-LE or UTF16-BE t3d file encoding. Check that mapname doesn't have exotic chars such as {%^,.. but only alphanumeric values (a->z,0->9) then save your map.
As a mapper with mainly UT2004 level editor (UnrealEd) and as UT3 was released i wanted to port some of my maps to UT3 but didn't suceed, that's why i started digging into Unreal Technology concept
* Nvconvert - Pierre-E Gougelet - dds to psd conversion http://www.xnview.com/
* UED Texture Toolkit - Alex Stewart - Terrain HeightMap 16-bit greyscale texture conversion (.bmp->.tiff) - http://www.foogod.com/UEdTexKit/
* Sox - Chris Bagwell -Wav conversion - http://sox.sourceforge.net
* UT Packages Delphi unit - Antonio Cordero Balcázar - http://www.acordero.org
* JAI - Java Advanced Imaging - .tiff image reader - https://jai.dev.java.net/ -jai_codec.jar,jai_core.jar
* Java 3D Vecmath - For handling brushes - https://vecmath.dev.java.net/ -vecmath.jar
* JOGL - Java OpenGL - DDS Reader - https://jogl.dev.java.net/ -jogl.jar
* SwingX - Java Advanced Interface https://swingx.dev.java.net/ - swingx-2008_09_13.jar
* NimROD Look and Feel -Theme Interface http://personales.ya.com/nimrod/index-en.html -nimrodlf-1.0e.jar
Users at Epic forums for reporting bugs and supporting this project
.:..: for helping me with UT to UT2004 basic conversion concepts