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Task Issues ‐ Possibilities

AswathyVinod edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 5 revisions

Once the user has completed editing/reviewing a task, and clicks on the complete button, if there are any issues in any of the cards that could lead to an unsuccessful processing of the task, a card will pop up on screen listing the cards to be corrected. These could be checked also by clicking on the info 'i' icon on the top right of the task page. The pop up will list the:

  • page number in which the card could be found
  • card number of the card with the issue
  • start time and end time of the card
  • text found in the card and
  • issue type

Possible issue types are as follows:

  1. Time issue in the sentence
  • If the end time of the card is less than the start time of the same card. Correct the timestamps in such cases.
  • If the start time of the card is less than the end time of the previous card. In cases where the reported card with the issue is the first card of any page, please be sure to check that the start time of the card is not less than the end time of the previous card, which is the last card of the previous page. Correct the timestamps in such cases.
  • If card timings have been duplicated. Card timings cannot overlap. Delete duplicate cards or correct the timestamps.
  • If the timing of the last card of the task exceeds the total duration of the video. It is important that the end time of the last card of the task is within the total duration of the video. Delete if the additional cards are unnecessary, or else correct the timestamps.
  1. Empty Cards

Cards cannot be left empty. In such cases, please enter a text or delete the card if not needed.

  1. Cards where voice is inactive in Voice Over All cards must have a manually recorded or auto-generated voice.
  • If the voice is inactive in a card where voice has been auto-generated, make a small edit in the text and regenerate voice.
  • If voice is missing in a manually recorded task, please record the voice for the card.