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TheDeathlyCow edited this page Jan 30, 2025 · 5 revisions

This page describes the various datapack tags used by Frostiful. It includes both new tags added by Frostiful, and tags from Thermoo that Frostiful appends to.


Items that are most relevant to mod pack authors have been marked with ⭐

Armor Materials (deprecated)

Location: data/frostiful/tags/armor_material.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#thermoo:resistant_to_cold Armour materials that are somewhat resistant to cold Netherite
#thermoo:very_resistant_to_cold Armour materials that are very resistant to cold Fur and Fur Padded Chainmail

This tags are defined in Thermoo, which you may want to read more about here.


These tags are deprecated, it is preferred that you use a separate mod like Item Components to modify attributes of custom armours instead.

Banner Patterns

Location: data/frostiful/tags/banner_pattern.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:pattern_item/icicle Can be chosen in the loom with the icicle banner pattern Icicle
#frostiful:pattern_item/snowflake Can be chosen in the loom with the snowflake banner pattern Snowflake
#frostiful:pattern_item/frostology Can be chosen in the loom with the frostology banner pattern Frostology


Location: data/frostiful/tags/block.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:icicle_growable The root of an icicle will not fall from these blocks once placed, allowing for infinite growth Ice
#frostiful:icicle_replaceable_blocks Blocks that an icicle can replace when growing Ice
#frostiful:is_open_flame Fire blocks that will be replaced with air when blown out by Freezing Wind Fire, Soul Fire
#frostiful:has_open_flame Light blocks with a boolean lit property that will be set to false when blown out by Freezing Wind Campfires, Candles, Candle Cakes
#frostiful:frostologer_cannot_freeze Blocks that the Frostologer cannot freeze with their destroy heat sources spell Portals, Beacons, Vaults, Spawners
#frostiful:hot_floor Provide heat when stood on Magma blocks
#frostiful:frozen_torches The frozen torch blocks. Exists for purely technical reasons Frozen Torch and Frozen Wall Torch
#frostiful:covered_rocks_cannot_replace Blocks that covered rocks cant replace with cobble stone during generation Logs, leaves, and other blocks features cannot replace
#frostiful:covered_rock_covering_replaceable Blocks that the sun lichen generated on covered rocks can replace Sun lichen, glow lichen, snow


Location: data/frostiful/tags/worldgen/biome.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:has_feature/sun_lichen_covered_rock Biomes that sun lichen covered rocks generate in Snowy, icy, and taiga biomes
#frostiful:has_feature/icicle_cluster Biomes that icicle clusters generate in Snowy and icy biomes
#frostiful:has_feature/brittle_ice Biomes that brittle ice sheets generate in Frozen ocean
#frostiful:has_structure/chillager_outpost Biomes that Chillager Outpost generates in Snowy plains, ice spikes
#frostiful:has_structure/frostologer_castle Biomes that Frostologer Outpost generates in Snowy plains, ice spikes
#frostiful:dry_biomes Biomes that are cold at night Desert, savanna, badlands
#frostiful:freezing_blacklist_biomes Biomes that can never be cold Nether and End biomes
#frostiful:freezing_wind_always_spawns Biomes where freezing wind will always appear on the ground Mountains and windswept biomes
#frostiful:freezing_wind_spawns_in_storms Biomes where freezing wind will appear on the ground in storms Snowy and hilly biomes
#frostiful:freezing_wind_never_spawns Biomes that freezing wind will never spawn in Nether and End biomes
Seasonal temperature tags Categorizes biome temperature based on season See the Temperature System page

Damage Types

Location: data/frostiful/tags/worldgen/damage_type.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:does_not_break_root Damage types that do not breaking the freezing root of the Frost Wand Freezing damage, broken ice
#frostiful:is_icicle Damage types from being impaled by/falling on an icicle Icicle, falling icicle


Location: data/frostiful/tags/enchantment.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:exclusive_set/heat_drain Heat-drain like enchantments that can't both be put on the same item at the same time. Enervation, Curse of Frozen Touch
#frostiful:is_frosty If the player's boots are enchanted with this enchantment, then they gain no heat from magma blocks. Frost Walker

Entity Types

Location: data/frostiful/tags/entity_type.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:benefits_from_cold Mobs that benefit from freezing, like the Frostologer. Frostologer, Snow Golem
#frostiful:heavy_entity_types Mobs that pack snow when walking on it. Iron Golem, Ravager, Warden
#frostiful:root_immune Mobs that are immune to the freezing root effect of the Frost Wand. Cold Immune, Frostologer
#frostiful:is_brushable Animals that can be brushed for fur tufts All entities in the brushing tags below
#frostiful:advancement/creepers Which mobs count for the Stop Right There advancement Creepers + Conventional creepers
#frostiful:brushing/drops_ocelot_fur Which animals drop Ocelot Fur Tufts when brushed Ocelot + Conventional ocelots
#frostiful:brushing/drops_wolf_fur Which animals drop Wolf Fur Tufts when brushed Wolf + Conventional wolves
#frostiful:brushing/drops_polar_bear_fur Which animals drop Polar Bear Fur Tufts when brushed Polar Bear + Conventional polar bears
#thermoo:benefits_from_cold Mobs that benefit from freezing, like the Frostologer. Entities in the benefits from cold tag above
#thermoo:cold_immune Entites that are immune to freezing in all forms Bosses, vanilla freeze immune entities, Biters, and Chillagers


Location: data/frostiful/tags/entity_type.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:frostology_cloaks Items that make the Frostology Cloak appear when worn Cloak of Frostology, Inert Cloak of Frostology
#frostiful:fur_armor Items that trigger the craft fur armor advancement All fur armour items
#frostiful:fur_boots Items that are fur boots Fur boots items
#frostiful:ice_skates Items that allow you to skate on ice Ice Skates, Armored Ice Skates
#frostiful:icicles Items that are Icicles for crafting purposes Icicles and Icicles from Immersive Weathering
#frostiful:powder_snow_walkable Items that will let you walk on powder snow when worn in the feet or body slot Leather, fur, fur padded chainmail boots and leather horse armour
#frostiful:sun_lichens The sun lichen block items All variants of sun lichen
#frostiful:supports_heat_drain Items that support the Enervation and Curse of Frozen Touch enchantments Swords, axes, spears, and the Frost Wand
#frostiful:warming_foods Items that provide the Warmth status effect when consumed Various modded drinks, like teas, coffees, and hot chocolate
#frostiful:enchantable/frost_wand Items that can receive the Frost Wand's enchantments in the Enchanting Table Frost Wand

Trim Patterns

Location: data/frostiful/tags/trim_pattern.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
#frostiful:custom_patterns The custom patterns of Frostiful, used for rendering Glacial, snow man, frosty