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Are Mjølsnes edited this page Jul 12, 2022 · 4 revisions

1. laereplan (curriculum@eng)


Element expressing the overall competence a pupil, apprentice or training candidate should have after completing their training at a given year level / level in one or more subjects. (according to "Kunnskapsløftet LK06" (Knowledge promotion LK06@eng).

Properties, laereplan
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
id UUID Globally unique identifier for the curriculum 1
kode (code@eng) String Lokally unique identifier for the curriculum 1
uri URI Globally unique identifier for the curriculum 1
url-data URI Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the curriculum 1
tittel (title@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Title of the curriculum 1..*
grep-type URI Specifies the type to be"laereplan" 1
status URI Indicates whether the curriculum is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng) 1
sist-endret (last-modified@eng) Timestamp Indicates when last changes were made to the curriculum 1
merkelapper (tags@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type merkelapp) swhich attaches to the curriculum a semantic peg / tag for marking and filtering purposes. See list of possible tags. 0..*
programfag-kapittel (programme-subject-chapter@eng) Object Object holding the program subject chapter for curricula that have program subjects instead of main subject areas (ex., see also har-hovedomraade (has-main-subject-area@eng) and har-programfag (has-programme-subject@eng)) 1
hovedomraade-kapittel (main-subject-area-chapter@eng) Object Object holding the main subject area chapter for curricula that have a main subject area, see also "har-hovedomraade" (have-main-subject-area@eng) and "har-programfag" (have-programme subjects@eng)) 1
kompetansemaal-kapittel (competence-aim-chapter@eng) Object Object holding the competence aim chapter for the curriculum 1
fastsettelsesinformasjon (determination-information@eng) Object Object holding the section on who has determined the curriculum and whether there are special restrictions on who can use the curriculum. 1
fagtype (subject-type@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type fagtype)which indicates the type of subject to which this curriculum belongs.
Definition subject type:
"Grouping of subjects by Circular Udir-1-[a given year]".
(see also array of subject types)
tilgjengelige-spraak (available-languages@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type spraak (language@eng)) indicating the languages in which the curriculum is available 1..*
opplaeringsnivaa (teaching-levels@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type opplaeringsnivaa (teaching_level) indicating the level of education, either "Grunnskole" (Primary school@eng) or "Videregående opplæring" (Upper secondary education@eng). 1..*
gyldighetsperiode (validity-period@eng) Object Object holding the section on when the curriculum is valid 1
erstatter (replacing@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type laereplan (curriculum@eng)) indicating which curricula this replaces. 1..*
erstattes-av (replaced-by@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type laereplan (curriculum@eng)) indicating which curricula this is replaced by. 1..*
formaal-kapittel (purpose-chapter@eng) Object Object holding the purpose chapter of the curriculum 1
timetall-kapittel (teaching-hours-chapter@eng)) Object Object holding the teaching-hours-chapter of the curriculum 1
struktur-kapittel (structure-chapter@eng)) Object Object holding the structure chapter of the curriculum 1
grunnleggende-ferdigheter-kapittel (basic-skills-chapter@eng) Object Objekt holding the basic skill chapter of the curriculum 1
vurdering-kapittel (assessment-chapter@eng) Object Object holding the assessment chapter of the curriculum 1
siste-eksamen (last-examination@eng) Timestamp Attribute for "laereplan" (curriculum) to enter the latest possible date that can be taken exam. 0..1
soekehjelp-navn-motsatt-maalform (search-aid-name-in-opposite-language-variant@eng) Str Attribute for "laereplan" (curriculum) to specify the curriculum title on the opposite language variant than the one established - this to make it more accessible to search. 1
tilleggsopplysninger (comments-and-annotations@eng) Str Attribute for "laereplan" (curriculum@eng) to set administrative additional information. 1

1.1 programfag-kapittel (programme-subect-chapter@eng)


Object holding the program subject chapter for curricula that have program subjects instead of main subject areas (ex., see also har-hovedomraade (has-main-subject-area@eng) and har-programfag (has-programme-subject@eng))

Properties, programfag-kapittel
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned text Fixed heading to the programme subject chapter, eg bokmål (@nob): "Beskrivelse av programfagene" (Description of the programme subjects@eng) 1..*
programfag Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type programfagto indicate which programme subject(s) it belongs to 1..*

1.2.1 programfag (programme subject)


Reference to object(s) (of type programfagto indicate which programme subject(s) it belongs to.

Property, programfag
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
id UUID Globally unique identifier for the programme subject 1
kode (code@eng) String Lokally unique identifier for the programme subject 1
uri URI Globally unique identifier for the programme subject 1
url-data URI Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the programme subject 1
tittel (title@eng) Array of language versioned text Title of the programme subject 1..*
grep-type URI pecifies the type to be "programfag" 1
rekkefoelge (order@eng) Int Indicates where in the order when several programme subjects are listed in the curriculum 1
beskrivelse (description@eng) Array av language versioned text Description of the programme subject 1..*
underliggende-hovedomraader (underlying-main-subject-area@eng) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type hovedomraade) indicating which main subject area(s) fall under this programme subject hierarchically 0..*

1.2 hovedomraade-kapittel (main-subject-area-chapter@eng)


Object holding the main subject area chapter for curricula that have a main subject area, see also 'har-hovedomraade' (has-main-subject-area@eng) and "har-programfag" (has-programme-subject@eng).

Properties, hovedomraade-kapittel
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned text Fixed heading to the main area chapter, e.g. bokmål (@nob): "Hovedområder" (Main subject areas@eng 1..*
innledning Array of language versioned text Freetext field for "laereplan" (curriculum@eng) to hold the introduction on main subject areas of the curriculum. 1..*
programfag (programme-subjects) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type programfag to indicate which programme subject(s) this main subject area belongs to 1..*
hovedomraader (main subject areas) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type hovedomraade to indicate which main subject area(s) belong to the curriculumn 1..*

1.2.1 hovedomraader (main-subject-areas@eng)


Reference to object(s) (of type hovedomraade to indicate which main subject area(s) belong to the curriculumn

Properties, hovedomraade-kapittel
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
id UUID Globally unique identifier for the main subject area 1
kode (code@eng) String Lokally unique identifier for the main subject area 1
uri URI Globally unique identifier for the main subject area 1
url-data URI Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the main subject area 1
tittel (title@eng) Array of language versioned text Title of the programme subject 1..*
grep-type URI pecifies the type to be "hovedomraade" 1
rekkefoelge (order@eng) Int Indicates where in the order when several mainsubject areas are listed in the curriculum 1
beskrivelse (description@eng) Array av language versioned text Description of the main subject area 1..*
underliggende-hovedomraader (underlying-main-subject-area@eng) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type hovedomraade) indicating which main subject area(s) fall under this main subject area hierarchically 0..*
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