- Publications (with links to papers), Alexiev-bibliography.bib (includes abstracts and more links to presentations)
- Extending OWL2 Property Constructs with OWLIM Rules
- Name Data Sources for Semantic Enrichment
- Sex or Gender? considerations about sex/gender enumeration values in LOD
- FP7 Multisensor materials
- RelaxNG Compact (RNC) of Cultural Heritage (GLAM) Schemas
- Integrating FrameNet in NIF
- Cultures, Ethnic Groups, Periods, Styles, Movements: Creating a Master List (incomplete work in progress)
- Information School, University of Washington, 2014-05-21: INFX 598 - Introducing Linked Data: concepts, methods and tools. Guest lecture (Module 9): Doing Business with Semantic Technologies: video, slideshare. Introduction to Ontotext and some of its products, clients and projects.
- SmartCulture Conference, 2014-06-11, Brussels, Belgium: Semtech for CH: HTML presentation, PDF, slideshare
- Malmo Linked Data Meetup, 2014-08-21, Malmo, Sweden: Semtech for Cultural Heritage: HTML presentation, PDF, video
- NKOS 2014 Workshop, London, UK, 12 Sep 2014: On Compositionality of ISO 25964 Hierarchical Relations (BTG, BTP, BTI): presentation HTML, PDF
- Resulting paper published in International Journal on Digital Libraries
- Keystone Industrial Panel, ISWC 2014, Riva del Garda, 18 Oct 2014: Semantic Technology in Publishing & Finance: slideshare. Triplestores and inference, applications in Finance, text-mining. Projects and solutions for financial media and publishers. Thanks to Atanas Kiryakov for this presentation, I just cut it to size.
- DBpedia Meeting, Dublin, 9 Feb 2015:
- DBpedia Ontology and Mapping Problems: presentation HTML, single HTML, PDF
- Adding a DBpedia Mapping: presentation HTML, single HTML, PDF
- bg.dbpedia.org launched: presentation HTML, PDF
- http://vocab.getty.edu/doc: documentation (HTML for linking)
- http://vocab.getty.edu/doc/gvp-lod.pdf: documentation (PDF for printing)
- http://vocab.getty.edu/doc/queries: 90 sample queries
- http://vocab.getty.edu/queries: sample query UI
- http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology: ontology namespace document
- CIDOC Congress, Dresden, Germany. Getty Vocabulary Program LOD: Ontologies and Semantic Representation:
- 2014-09-05: International Terminology Working Group (full version): presentation HTML, PDF
- 2014-09-09: Getty special session (short version): presentation HTML, PDF
- All presentations from these meetings
Frame that displays the project timeline at http://www.old.ontotext.com/EC_ResearchProjects. It uses a Google Sheet to hold the data, and Google Charts to visualize it
Syntax (rail-road) diagrams of SPARQL 1.1 Query Language. I use this quite often while writing SPARQL
- sparql11-grammar.xhtml: Cross-linked diagrams, one per production (173 total). A bit hard to understand: use this for reference, but not for learning SPARQL. Here’s a chunked diagram, which however is partial: Discussion whether there’s a chunked generator
- sparql11-grammar.ebnf: EBNF rules extracted from the spec
- sparql11-grammar.txt: same thing but with production numbers
- extracted from: http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/
- version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-sparql11-query-20130321/
- created on: Tue Apr 2, 2013, 08:59 (UTC+03)
- created with: http://bottlecaps.de/rr/ui. This tool is quite good: it can scrape EBNF grammars from W3C specs, generates either a single XHTML with embedded SVG, or a zip with many PNGs, cross-links the definitions and usages.