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List of plugins parameters of the legacy (1.1) version

Benoît Valéry edited this page Apr 7, 2023 · 1 revision

First of all, notice that all the different plugins inherit from a common class, which gives access to the following three parameters:

Variable name Description Values
title Title of the task, displayed if the plugin is visible System monitoring
taskplacement Task location in a 3x2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright
taskupdatetime Delay between task updates in milliseconds. 200

List of plugins

System monitoring (sysmon)

Variable name Description Values
title Characters displayed above the task System monitoring
taskplacement Task location in a 3x2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright
taskupdatetime Delay between task updates in milliseconds. 200
alerttimeout Maximum duration of a target event in milliseconds. 5000
automaticsolver When True, any failure will be automatically corrected after an automaticsolverdelay duration. True/False
automaticsolverdelay Delay between a failure onset and its automatic correction, in milliseconds. 1000
displayautomationstate If True, the current automation state (MANUAL vs AUTO ON) of the task is displayed. True/False
allowanykey If True, the subject can use any system monitoring key, to signal a failure. For instance, he or she could use the F2 key to signal a failure for the F4 gauge. True/False
scalesnumofboxes Number of boxes in the vertical scales. Must be odd to admit a middle. 11
safezonelength Amplitude of cursor movements around the scale center when there are no failure. 3
scalestyle Define the general appearance of the scales (MATB-I vs MATB-II) 1/2

Lights dictionary

Lights parameters are accessed through a variable hierarchy. Each light button (1 or 2) admits the parameters presented in the table below. As an example, if one wishes to alter the hexadecimal color value of the first light button, one should call the variable as lights-1-oncolor.

Variable name Description lights-1 lights-2
name String of characters displayed over the light button F5 F6
failure Is the gauge on failure currently ? True/False True/False
on Is the gauge on [True] or off [False] ? True/False True/False
default What is the default state of the gauge ? on/off on/off
oncolor Hexadecimal color value of the light button #009900 #FF0000
keys Response key associated with the gauge QtCore.Qt.Key_F5 QtCore.Qt.Key_F6

Scales dictionary

Each scale gauge (1, 2, 3 or 4) admits the parameters presented in the table below. As an example, if one wishes to cause a failure for the third scale, one should call the variable as scales-3-failure.

Variable name Description scales-1 scales-2 scales-3 scales-4
name String of characters displayed over the light button F1 F2 F3 F4
failure Is the gauge on failure currently ? If yes, what is the target area ? no/up/down no/up/down no/up/down no/up/down
keys Response key associated with the scale (see online documentation) QtCore.Qt.Key_F1 QtCore.Qt.Key_F2 QtCore.Qt.Key_F3 QtCore.Qt.Key_F4

Feedbacks dictionary

Feedbacks parameters are accessed through a variable hierarchy. Each feedback type (positive or negative) admits the parameters presented in the table below. As an example, if one wishes to alter the hexadecimal color value of the negative feedback, one should call the variable as feedbacks-negative-color.

Variable name Description feedbacks-positive feedbacks-negative
active Is this type of feedback allowed ? True/False True/False
color Defines the color of the feedback #ffff00 #ff0000
duration Duration in milliseconds, during which positive feedback is displayed after a correct response had been given. Note that a positive feedback is also displayed when the response is given by mean of the automatic solver. 1500 1500
trigger If you wish to manually trigger a feedback to a given scale, just turn this parameter to the target scale index (1, 2, 3, 4). Default is 0. After the feedback has been displayed, this value will automatically turn back to default. 0 0

Tracking (track)

Variable name Description Values
title Characters displayed above the task Tracking
taskplacement Task location in a 3×2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright
taskupdatetime Delay between task updates in milliseconds. 50
cursorcolor Hexadecimal value that defines the cursor color. #0000FF
cursorcoloroutside Hexadecimal value that defines the cursor color when it is outside the target area. #0000FF
automaticsolver Is the tracking task managed by an automatism ? True/False
assistedsolver Is the tracking task assisted by an automatism ? Assisted means that any joystick input from the participant leads the cursor toward the center. True/False
displayautomationstate If True, the current automation state (MANUAL vs AUTO ON vs ASSIST ON) of the task is displayed. True/False
targetradius Radius proportion of the target area. 0.1 means that the radius of the target area is 10% of the task total width. 0 means no target area at all. 0.1
joystickforce The smaller this factor, the more the joystick movement is attenuated. Greater values leads to a more sensitive joystick. 0.05
cutofffrequency Cutoff frequency of the sinusoides, that are summed to generate the tracking cursor movements. 0.06
equalproportions If True, vertical and horizontal axes are the same size. If False, the horizontal axis extends over the entire available width. True/False

Scheduling view (scheduling)

Variable name Description Values
title Characters displayed above the task Scheduling
taskplacement Task location in a 3×2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright
taskupdatetime Delay between task updates in milliseconds. 1000

Communications (communications)

Variable name Description Values
title Characters displayed above the task Communications
taskplacement Task location in a 3×2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright
taskupdatetime Delay between task updates in milliseconds. 50
callsignregex Regular expression pattern for callsign generation. [A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]\d\d\d
owncallsign Callsign of the subject. If empty, automatically generated according to callsignregex. (empty)
othercallsignnumber Number of irrelevant distracting callsigns. 5
othercallsign List of distracting callsigns. If empty, automatically generated according to callsignregex and othercallsignnumber. (empty)
airbandminMhz Minimum radio frequency, in Mhz. 108
airbandmaxMhz Maximum radio frequency, in Mhz. 137
targetrangedistanceMhz Defines the distance range in which the target frequency is selected, as a function of the current frequency. Input is a list. For instance, [5,6] argument leads the target frequency to be comprised at a distance from 5 to 6 Mhz of the current frequency (above or below). [5,6]
radiostepMhz One left/right key press leads to a decrease/increase of one radiostepMhz, if possible. 0.1
voiceidiom Voice idiom. The corresponding folder must be present in the Sound directory. english/french
voicegender Voice gender. The corresponding folder must be present in the selected idiom directory. female/male
radioprompt Used to initiate either a target (own) or a distractor (other) prompt [own or other]. Initially empty. Will be emptied at the end of the prompt. (empty)/own/other
promptlist List of radio labels, in their order of appearance. Each corresponding file must be available in the sound folder. This list is used both for target and distractors radio lists. [NAV1, NAV2, COM1, COM2]
automaticsolver Is the communication task managed by an automatism ? True/False
displayautomationstate If True, the current automation state (MANUAL vs AUTO ON) of the task is displayed. True/False

Resources management (resman)

Variable name Description Values
title Characters displayed above the task Resources manager
taskplacement Task location in a 3×2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright
taskupdatetime Delay between task updates in milliseconds. 2000
heuristicsolver If True, the task is managed by an automatism which relies on the three following heuristics : (1) systematically activate pumps draining non-depletable tanks; (2) activate/deactivate pump whose target tank is too low/high (""Too"" means level is out of a tolerance zone around the target level, see below); (3) equilibrate between the two A/B tanks if one tank is full enough to feed the other True/False
assistedsolver If True, the task is managed by an the heuristic solver (see above) but does not block manual inputs. True/False
displayautomationstate If True, the current automation state (MANUAL vs AUTO ON vs ASSIST ON) of the task is displayed. True/False
tolerancelevel Absolute distance to target level, below which performance may be considered acceptable. 500
displaytolerance Should the tolerance level be displayed ? True/False
pumpcoloroff Hexadecimal value coding the pump color when off #AAAAAA
pumpcoloron Hexadecimal value coding the pump color when on #00FF00
pumpcolorfailure Hexadecimal value coding the pump color when on failure #FF0000

Pump dictionary

Each pump (1, 2, …, 8) admits the parameters presented in the table below. As an example, if one wishes to change flow for the fifth pump, one should call the variable as pump-5-flow. Be careful, modifying fromtank or totank variables won’t affect the graphical representation which is static for the moment.

Variable name Description pump-1 pump-2 pump-3 pump-4 pump-5 pump-6 pump-7 pump-8
flow Volume transferred per minute. 800 800 600 600 600 600 400 400
state Current pump state 0=off, 1=on, -1=fail 0/1/-1 0/1/-1 0/1/-1 0/1/-1 0/1/-1 0/1/-1 0/1/-1 0/1/-1
keys Response key associated with each pump QtCore.Qt.Key_1 QtCore.Qt.Key_2 QtCore.Qt.Key_3 QtCore.Qt.Key_4 QtCore.Qt.Key_5 QtCore.Qt.Key_6 QtCore.Qt.Key_7 QtCore.Qt.Key_8
hide Is this pump hidden ? 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1

#### Tank dictionary Each tank (a, b, c, d, e, f) admits the parameters presented in the table below. As an example, if one wishes to change the maximum level for the d tank, one should call the variable as tank-d-max.

Variable name Description tank-a tank-b tank-c tank-d tank-e tank-f
level Tank level 2500 2500 1000 1000 3000 3000
max Maximum tank level 4000 4000 2000 2000 4000 4000
target Optimal level to reach 2500 2500 None None None None
depletable Is the tank depletable ? (zero means unlimited capacity) 1 1 1 1 0 0
lossperminute Volume that is lost each minute 800 800 0 0 0 0
hide Is this tank hidden ? 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1

Resources management pump status (pumpstatus)

Variable name Description Values
title Characters displayed above the task Pumps
taskplacement Task location in a 3×2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright
taskupdatetime Delay between task updates in milliseconds. 1000