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The resources management task (resman)

Benoît Valéry edited this page Apr 7, 2023 · 1 revision

You should read how to write correctly a scenario file first.

Presentation of the resman plugin.

In this task, participants are faced with a system of pumps and tanks, two of which (referred to as "target tanks") leak. The objective of the participants is to use the different pumps available - by turning them on or off - to correctly compensate for the leaks in the target tanks, and keep them at acceptable levels. To do this, participants must consider the characteristics of the pumps (which vary in flow rate) and the tanks (which vary in capacity). In addition, as the experiment progresses, some pumps may temporarily fail, making the task even more difficult.

Each time a pump is activated (through the corresponding numerical key), its flow (debit per minute) is indicated in the pump status panel, on the right.

The resources management task

Basic operations

In the resman task, major experimental manipulations concern pumps and tanks parameters. For each tank, you can notably modify its:

  • initial level (e.g., tank-c-level parameter for the tank C)
  • maximum capacity (e.g., tank-c-max)
  • target level if relevant (e.g., tank-a-target to modify the target of the tank A)
  • depletable nature (e.g., tank-d-depletable=False will give you a tank D with infinite capacity)
  • leak debit if relevant (e.g., tank-a-lossperminute=800)

By default, a toleranceradius is set (to 250), which defines the area in which the target tanks should be maintained for a correct performance. If you don’t want to use a tolerance area, but rather instruct the participant to keep the levels as close as possible of the target level, you can set this toleranceradius to 0. If you use the tolerance area, and you want to warn the participant when he or she is outside, you can set a different color to the tolerance area with the tolerancecoloroutside parameter.

As for each pump, you can set its:

  • flow, i.e., its debit per minute (e.g., pump-1-flow to modify flow of the pump n°1)
  • state, that can be on, off or failure (e.g., pump-1-state=failure will turn the pump n°1 to failure)

You can alter the color associated with each pump state via the pumpcoloron, pumpcoloroff and pumpcolorfailure parameters, respectively.

Note that default values are all acceptable (canonical) and that you should modify these values if you know what you are doing, and how to properly modify the difficulty of the task.

Automatic solving

To enable/disable a task automation, just use the automaticsolver parameter, like in the following:

0:00:00;resman;automaticsolver;True      # The resman is automated as soon as it is started
0:00:30;resman;automaticsolver;False     # Track automation is disabled in the middle of the scenario

When enabled, the automation will automatically turn pumps on and off to compensate leaks in an optimal fashion. Below are the three main rules of this automation:

  1. Systematically activate pumps draining non-depletable tanks
  2. Activate/deactivate pump whose target tank is too low/high ("Too" means level is out of a tolerance zone around the target level (2500 +/- 150))
  3. Balance between the two A/B tanks if sufficient level

List of resman parameters

Variable Description Possible values Default
title Title of the task, displayed if the plugin is visible (string) Resources management
taskplacement Task location in a 3x2 canvas topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright, fullscreen bottommid
taskupdatetime Delay between plugin updates (ms) (positive integer) 2000
automaticsolver When True, the target frequency is automatically set by an automation (boolean) False
displayautomationstate If True, the current automation state (MANUAL vs AUTO ON) of the task is displayed. (boolean) True
toleranceradius Radius of the tolerance area (0=do not display tolerance area) (integer) 250
tolerancecolor Color of the tolerance area when volume is inside it white, black, green, red, background, lightgrey, grey, blue black
tolerancecoloroutside Color of the tolerance area when volume is outside it white, black, green, red, background, lightgrey, grey, blue black
pumpcoloroff Color of the pump when its state is off white, black, green, red, background, lightgrey, grey, blue white
pumpcoloron Color of the pump when its state is on white, black, green, red, background, lightgrey, grey, blue green
pumpcolorfailure Color of the pump when its state is failure white, black, green, red, background, lightgrey, grey, blue red
displaystatus Should the pump status be displayed in a specific panel? (boolean) True
statuslocation Placement where to display the pump status topleft, topmid, topright, bottomleft, bottommid, bottomright, fullscreen bottomright
tank-a-level Current level of this tank (integer) 2500
tank-a-max Maximum level of this tank (integer) 4000
tank-a-target Target level of this tank (integer) 2500
tank-a-depletable Is this tank depletable (False=infinite resource) (boolean) True
tank-a-lossperminute Volume lost (leak) in a minute (positive integer) 800
tank-b-level Current level of this tank (integer) 2500
tank-b-max Maximum level of this tank (integer) 4000
tank-b-target Target level of this tank (integer) 2500
tank-b-depletable Is this tank depletable (False=infinite resource) (boolean) True
tank-b-lossperminute Volume lost (leak) in a minute (positive integer) 800
tank-c-level Current level of this tank (integer) 1000
tank-c-max Maximum level of this tank (integer) 2000
tank-c-target Target level of this tank (integer) (empty)
tank-c-depletable Is this tank depletable (False=infinite resource) (boolean) True
tank-c-lossperminute Volume lost (leak) in a minute (positive integer) 0
tank-d-level Current level of this tank (integer) 1000
tank-d-max Maximum level of this tank (integer) 2000
tank-d-target Target level of this tank (integer) (empty)
tank-d-depletable Is this tank depletable (False=infinite resource) (boolean) True
tank-d-lossperminute Volume lost (leak) in a minute (positive integer) 0
tank-e-level Current level of this tank (integer) 3000
tank-e-max Maximum level of this tank (integer) 4000
tank-e-target Target level of this tank (integer) (empty)
tank-e-depletable Is this tank depletable (False=infinite resource) (boolean) False
tank-e-lossperminute Volume lost (leak) in a minute (positive integer) 0
tank-f-level Current level of this tank (integer) 3000
tank-f-max Maximum level of this tank (integer) 4000
tank-f-target Target level of this tank (integer) (empty)
tank-f-depletable Is this tank depletable (False=infinite resource) (boolean) False
tank-f-lossperminute Volume lost (leak) in a minute (positive integer) 0
pump-1-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 800
pump-1-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-1-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_1
pump-2-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 600
pump-2-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-2-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_2
pump-3-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 800
pump-3-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-3-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_3
pump-4-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 600
pump-4-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-4-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_4
pump-5-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 600
pump-5-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-5-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_5
pump-6-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 600
pump-6-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-6-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_6
pump-7-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 400
pump-7-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-7-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_7
pump-8-flow Pump debit per minute (positive integer) 400
pump-8-state Current state of the pump on or off or failure off
pump-8-key Keyboard key to toggle the pump (keyboard key) NUM_8