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User Testing Resource Trees

aishadalila edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

Background and Purpose

This high-fidelity prototype test is performed to test the user interface (UI) for resource trees in Rocket Potatoes. Six users were selected for this test. They were briefed with how the game works before starting the game. Upon completing the game, the users were given a survey to answer. The following results were collected, documented and analyzed in order to improve the UI for resource trees.

Date of test: 26/08/2017

Created by: Team Five

Construction Design

Resource Tree


This is the initial basic resource tree sprite created for players in order to harvest resources (such as seeds and strawberries) from, which can then be added to their inventory.

Inventory (created by Team 6)

Testing Process and Agenda

Description of Process

To start off the test, participants were briefed on what the game is about, how to play it, and how to interact with resource trees. They were encouraged to ‘think aloud’ and give out comments throughout the test. Upon completing the game, they were given an online survey to answer. The results were then collected and analyzed.

Survey Link :

Testing Procedure


The participants were briefed on the game, emphasizing on resource tree UI testing.


The game is displayed and initialized for one participant at a time.


The participant started to play the game, explored the game mechanisms and interacted with resource trees by harvesting resources and adding them to their inventory. Throughout the entire test, the participants were encouraged to ‘think aloud’ and give out comments.


Participants were given out an online survey after completing the game.


Participants were asked if there was any questions that they would like to ask. Then, to end the test, the participants were thanked for their participation and escorted out.


Final Decisions

Based on our results, out of six participants:

  • 83.3% rated their experience as ‘Good’ overall, and 16.7% as ‘Extremely Good’.
  • 66.7% rated the easiness to harvest resources as 4 on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • 66.7% have rated the easiness to use the space bar as 4 on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Things that were obtrusive included the amount of effort needed to use the space bar and that the trees were put too close together.
  • 100% of participants has given kudos to the colour scheme of the UI.
  • 33.3% of participants liked collecting the resources, 16.7% liked building more trees, and 16.7% of participants liked the colour scheme, design and the interactive trees.
  • The only issue with the UI was having to press the space bar excessively to harvest resources.
  • There is nothing they would change in regards to the resource trees.

Changes based on results:

Hotkey to harvest the resource from resource tree while nearby has now changed to "E" instead of "space bar." In addition, a sound effect is played when the harvest resource hotkey is pressed. There are now two types of resource trees; one for seeds and one for food. These can be planted at the cursor's location by pressing the number keys:

  • Pressing 1 will plant a projectile tree
  • Pressing 2 will plant a seed resource tree
  • Pressing 3 will plant a food resource tree

Raw Data

Link to request edit access (to view responses):



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User Testing

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