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Player Eviction Menu (Feature Overviews)

LIU-Evelyn edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 45 revisions

Overview Structure

The eviction menu consists mainly of the following parts (click to jump into the corresponding section)

  1. Menu Background
  2. Single Card
  3. Select Button
  4. Confirm Box
  5. Menu Icon
  6. Detailed Eviction Card
  7. Information/Clues Window
  8. Win condition prompt box
  9. Lose condition prompt box
  10. Transition Interface
  11. Transition Animation
  12. Special Effects
  13. Sound Effects

Sprint 1

Menu Background

Final Design Outcome

The image below is the final design interface for the menu background:



This menu background image will be used to contain and display several character cards.

Single Card

Final Design Outcome

The image below is the final design interface for the menu background:



This single card image will display each character's profile and some basic information and might have some relevant clues. However, this single card does not contain any information at the current stage because some related teams did not complete the corresponding content. Hence, our team will make an effort to implement this part in the next stage.

Select Button

Final Design Outcome

The image below is the final design of the select button:

Normal Selected
selectButton_single selectButton_selected


The select button is placed under every single card for players to click and select whom they regard as a traitor. The color-changing effect on this select button could reflect and remind the player of their own behavior in the game in order to achieve a better interacting process.

The final menu image, including the select button and eviction cards, comes with a uniform pixel resolution. evictionMenu_all

On this interface, players could click the select button to choose whom they regard as the traitor.

Confirmation box

Final Design Outcome

The image below is the final design of the select button:



After clicking the select button, this confirm box will pop up and let players ensure whether or not to choose a character as the traitor with brief information about how the result of this selection will be used to win or lose. This confirm box will be helpful for users the ensure their choice and understand the basic rules.

Display the effect of the confirmation box popping up after selecting NPC to expel


Here the user could click "CANCEL" to reselect another NPC/character and "OK" to submit the click action to see the game result.

Menu Icon

Final Design Outcome

The image below is the final version of the menu icon:

MenuIconBlack MenuIconWhite


The menu icon will be displayed in the interface of the whole game, which allows users to click and enter this eviction menu.

Sprint 2

Detailed eviction card

Final Design Outcome

The images below is the final version of the menu icon:

Normal Card (with 3 NPCs/characters information) Hover Card (with 3 NPCs/characters information)
NPCmatch NPCmatch_hover


In the eviction menu interface, the detailed eviction cards will be used to render the basic NPC/character information (name, gender, and a brief intro) clearly and aligned with the game style to allow selecting the traitor more efficiently.

A mouse hover effect was implemented to each detailed eviction card, which is that one particular card will be slightly enlarged and changed into a brighter color) when users control their mouse to hover on this card. This interaction effect achieves a better user experience and reminds users what they need to do and where they are on this interface.

The image below is the interface for the entire eviction menu with 8 detailed eviction cards:


The image below shows the effect of the user hovering over the first detailed eviction card (enlarged and brighten):


Information/Clues Window

Final Design Outcome

The picture below represents the finalized information/clues window:



This information/clues window will pop up when players click on a particular NPC card. This information/clues window could display more detailed information and clues about the NPC that corresponds to the card they clicked on. The information and clues shown are only what the player has collected during the game. The window can be closed when the user clicks the window again or clicks outside the window.

The picture below is the final expanded eviction menu with detailed eviction cards and the info window:



Win conditions (prompt box)

Final Design Outcome

The picture below represents the finalized information/clues window:



When the player clicks the SELECT button on the eviction menu and confirms the selected NPC through the confirmation box, if the player selects the correct traitor, the Win Prompt Window will pop up and tell the player the result of this selection. The "OK" button at the bottom of the window serves as a switch that allows players to control the game to move to the next stage.

The picture below is the final win prompt box with corresponding content in game:


Lose conditions (prompt box)

Final Design Outcome

The pictures below represent the final prompt window for different situations:

Prompt box for the 1st incorrect selection Prompt box for the 2rd incorrect selection
lose1Btn Lose2Btn


After the player clicks the SELECT button on the eviction menu and verifies the selected NPC through the confirmation box, if the player selected the wrong traitor for the first time, the Lose Prompt window (for the first wrong selection) will pop up and tell the player the result of the wrong selection and what to do next. Then player can click the Ok button to go back to the main interface of the eviction menu and select another NPC that might be a traitor.
If the second selection still is wrong, the Lose Prompt Window (for the second wrong selection) will appear to direct the player to the last chance to choose a traitor. And if the player run out of 3 chance, the ending menu will pop up and apper to direct him to the Game Over phase.

Every time a wrong choice is made, the player is punished: Health and countdown are reduced by 10% and 20% (The first time and the second time).

The picture below is the final lose prompt box with corresponding content in game:

whole1 whole2

Transition Interface After the Win Condition (selecting the correct traitor)

Final Design Outcome

The pictures below represent the final transition interface:



A transition interface will pop up after the player selects the correct traitor to guide the player on how to proceed with the Save Atlantis mission in order to more effectively assist the player in smoothly transitioning to the next mission of saving Atlantis. The character (the prince, Ares) on the left is the true traitor in the Atlantis Sinks game plot. Additionally, the parchment scroll on the right is used to display some textual information to guide players on how to save the continent of Atlantis and then completely win this game.

The picture below is the final transition interface that appears on the eviction menu:


Final win/lose logic:

Win: When the player chooses the right traitor, the win (correct) prompt box will pop up, and the information provided by the traitor (tranistion window) will pop up after the player clicks the "OK" button. The key will appear on the map at this point (it will not appear until the right traitor is chosen), the player need to pick up the key and use it (in inventory) to win the game.

Lose: Every time the player makes a wrong choice, the corresponding lose (error) message box will pop up. When the three choices are used up, the player will lose the game. Every time a wrong choice is made, the player is punished: Health and countdown are reduced by 10% and 20% (The first time and the second time).


Transition Animation

Final Design Outcome - Take ares image as an example

The following images show the whole process of transition animation:

Step 1: Find NPC finalProcess1

Step 2: Tie Up NPC finalProcess2

Step 3: Take Away Start finalProcessS

Step 4: Take Away End finalProcessE

Step 5: If Not A Traitor finalProcess5

Step 6: If He Is Traitor finalProcess4


This transition animation is to visualize the eviction process of different npcs. When the player clicks the select button corresponding to the NPC, the animation eviction process corresponding to the NPC image selected by the player will displayed, as shown in the above. The duration of the entire animation is about 7 seconds. At the end of the animation, it will show whether the player's selection result is correct or wrong, and the prompt box corresponding to the selection result will pop up after the transition animation ends.

Special Effects

Final Design Outcome

Correct Selection - Celebratory Fireworks


Wrong Selection 1 - Brown Smoke


Wrong Selection 2 - Black Smoke



When the correct/wrong prompt box that shows the player’s selection result pops up, the corresponding special effect will be triggered at the same time. If the player chooses the correct traitor, they will see "Celebration Fireworks" behind the correct prompt box; if the player chooses the wrong npc for the first time, they will see "brown smoke" around the wrong prompt box; if the player second selection is wrong, they will see "black smoke" around the wrong prompt box. The effect will remain on the screen until the prompt box is dismissed.

Sound Effects

Final Design Outcome

The sound effect of opening clue window in the game

The sound effect of closing clue window in the game

The sound effect of Opening the eviction menu in the game

The sound effect of closing the eviction menu in the game

The sound effect of popping up the right prompt box

The sound effect of popping up the wrong prompt box1

The sound effect of popping up the wrong prompt box2


  1. When the player opens the eviction menu, they will hear the sound of flipping the book quickly, and when they close the menu, they will hear the sound of the book being closed.
  2. When the player opens the clue window, they will hear the sound of slowly turning pages same as closing the clue window. The duration of this sound will match the animation of the clue window.
  3. When the correct/wrong prompt box that shows the player’s selection result pops up, the corresponding sound effect will be triggered at the same time. If the player chooses the correct traitor, they will hear cheers; if the player chooses the wrong npc for the first time, they will hear a sigh; if the player second selection is wrong, they will hear the sound of frustration. This effect will only be triggered at the moment when the prompt box pops up, and the time is very short.

Table of Contents


Game Design

User survey

Sprint 4

Eviction Menu and Win/lose Logic: Polishing tasks (Team 7)

Button Sounds and Ending Menu improve (Team 3)

Sound effect and Fixing the clue bug (Team 6)

Improvement of Enemy and Attack (Team 1)

Add Features When The Player Get Attacked and Overall UI Improvement (Team 8)

Sprint 1

Achievement System (Team 2)

Player Eviction Menu (Team 7)

Countdown Clock (Team 4)

Music (Team3)

Map (Team6)

Sprint 2

Player Eviction Menu (Team 7)

Character Design & Animation (Team 1)

Music (Team 3)

Inventory System and Consumables Items (Team 8)

Scenario design

Achievement System(team 2)

Storyline (Team 5)

Countdown Clock (Team 4)

Sprint 3

Ending Menu (Team 3)

NPC interaction (Team 2)

Win/lose Condition (Based on Eviction Menu) (Team 7)

Player Profile (Team 4)

Game Logo (Team 8)

Clue storage (Team 6)

Enemy Design and Attack (Team 1)

Scenario design for village(Team5)

Game design
Entities and Components

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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